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Overcoming Acrophobia Quickly with Proper Treatment

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Acrophobia - Scared of height

Acrophobia – Scared of height

While almost everyone feels some degree of anxiety by thinking of great heights, dangerous drop, for some, the fear is unbearable. If the experience is so extreme that it hampers your routine or pleasure time, it may have the possibility of acrophobia. A person, depending on the severity of phobia, may have equal fear while standing from an elevated area or simply climbing a ladder. According to the researchers, fear from heights up to an extent is normal but turning an instinctive fear of heights in to phobia is so severe that it is viewed as irrational.

Conventional treatment method
Applying the conventional way to cure acrophobia of divulging a person to heights did not show up to expectations and resulted as stressful and ineffective for most people. While experimenting this way, a person’s heart rate, respiration and body temperature increase or he/she may feel faint or tremble. With treatment, however such paralyzing factors can be overcome.

Contemporary Ways to cure phobia
For those, who are facing severe phobia of being on heights, should seek a psychologist’s help to overcome the irrational fear and behavioral changes. Discussion with medicine specialist, having experience in treating phobias, will allow bringing some psychological facts forward that effectively helps in curing the problem. In fact, the search to find an expert should be started as early as possible, if heights are an ordinary part of your life.

Learn to control symptoms
Starting from learning how to control your physical symptoms such as taking deep breaths to help slow down the increased heart rate to meditating for few minutes for relieving some tension may proves effective. This allows you to become more comfortable without putting yourself into a real-world situation. A careful treatment approach will help people get over with the fear of heights completely.

Turn Blood Cells into Heart Cells

By Health 2 Comments

Johns Hopkins scientists have developed a simplified, cheaper, all-purpose method they say can be used by scientists around the globe to more safely turn blood cells into heart cells. The method is virus-free and produces heart cells that beat with nearly 100 percent efficiency, they claim.

“We took the recipe for this process from a complex minestrone to a simple miso soup,” says Elias Zambidis, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of oncology and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and the Kimmel Cancer Center.
Zambidis says, “many scientists previously thought that a nonviral method of inducing blood cells to turn into highly functioning cardiac cells was not within reach, but “we’ve found a way to do it very efficiently and we want other scientists to test the method in their own labs.” However, he cautions that the cells are not yet ready for human testing.